Since it's my first visit back to the parks after the official announcement for Skull Island: Reign of Kong was made last week, I decided to get some video in addition to my usual construction photographs. All of the scaffolding has now shifted to the right, leaving a breathtaking view of the giant temple gate. They've also started work on the attraction entrance near the pathway. From the concept art we can see it will be an arch with Kong's head shaped into it. It's very exciting to see everything taking shape, and to have concept art to compare it to! See all the photos below and check out the video here as well!

Construction Photos:

That's all for this Kongstruction update. View the previous update. And be sure to watch today's video if you haven't yet already!
See all the updates here and subscribe to the feed for more continual updates!
Also, be sure to check out my recent photo update for the Raptor Meet & Greet coming to Islands of Adventure.
Note: All images and video taken from within guest areas only.
Just want to say love the blog and updates! Question have you heard if the ride will be just 3d like Hollywood or are we gonna go back to the real kong and have some animatronics? As a kid I loved visiting Florida and going on the original kong, even when it started freezing and the ride would go down lol. I want my kids to get that experience, not the freezing part though.
Alicia Stella
Post authorHiya! Glad you like the blog. Be sure to share posts on social networks when you can!
Yes, there will be animatronics! There will be at least one full size Kong. From what I have heard it will be near the end of the ride, and it will be impressive/huge. There will be a big scene before it that is all 3D like the Kong attraction in Hollywood, but other scenes will feature real sets and some animatronics. While it won't all be practical like the old Kongfrontation, which I loved as well, it won't all be 3D only like the Hollywood tram tour's version either. More of a mix of the old and new.
Hi, Coming over from England next easter and was just wondering if there is a possibility that kong would be open at that time? great blog by the way.
Alicia Stella
Post authorWhile it's possible it could be in soft openings by then, it's not a guarantee. Universal has not announced an exact date, only saying it will be open SUMMER 2016: You may just miss it, cutting it real close with Easter (which is at the end of March next year).