Lately I have been noticing a bit of construction happening between the Kids Zone and Hollywood areas of Universal Studios Florida. The area is currently empty of attractions and just for show, except for the seasonal restaurant Cafe La Bamba. I remember visiting in the 90's when they had a walk-through attraction there, but I always wondered what would come of the area. Now it seems something is happening , so I thought it might be a good time to look into the history (and future) of the Garden of Allah area. Be sure to also check out the construction update below to see how it's looking now! Continue Reading...
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Theme Park Rumors
King Kong Construction Update – Kongstruction Goes Vertical and Rumor Roundup
Construction has gone vertical at Project 340 in Islands of Adventure. The steel structure is already several stories tall and can be seen all the way from the highway. Rumors around the web are saying when completed the facade for this attraction will reach 100 feet tall. Universal is not showing any signs of slowing down with their recent additions to the parks. They're certainly not afraid to go big when it comes to new ride technologies and hyper-themed lands.
In addition to the new construction photos below, I wanted to also post some interesting news and juicy rumors about this possible King Kong attraction. Even though the internet has been talking about this project for nearly a year now, there has still been no official word from Universal. I wouldn't expect an official announcement from them until after Halloween Horror Nights is over, so as not to take any of its spotlight away. With the construction now rising above the walls it's going to be harder to keep people from asking what exactly is coming. News, Rumors, and construction photos below!

Universal Orlando Teases Something on Twitter – Could it be Kong? UPDATED
Who says lightning doesn't strike twice? This was the tagline for the reveal of Diagon Alley, but then why is the Universal Orlando Twitter feed using it again, just last night, a month after Diagon Alley has opened? The lightning bolt doesn't look much like the Harry Potter bolt to me. So then what is this for? ...continue reading
King Kong Coming to Islands of Adventure? (With Construction Update)

I've wanted to write about theme park refurbishments and expansions for a while now. It's a subject that interests me greatly. I create my own virtual theme park attractions in Second Life, but it does not begin to compare to the real thing. With the new Harry Potter expansions at the two Universal parks here in Orlando, the world saw a new and more immersive theme park experience, unmatched by anything else. I was excited to hear recently that an old friend may be returning to his rightful home. ...continue reading