As I've previously reported, Universal has been building a new water park their calling Volcano Bay. Today it was officially announced via their blog, as well as emails sent to Annual Passholders. The announcement says Volcano Bay will completely redefine the water park experience. Volcano Bay will open for guests in 2017, showing that the date released by the I-Drive District of Fall 2016 was incorrect. They've released one piece of concept art so far, which looks incredible, showing a massive volcano as the centerpiece of the park. Read the entire press release below and stay tuned here for more developments.
Tag Archives: Florida
Kongstruction Update: Scaffolding Comes Down and Entrance Arch Takes Shape – With Video
Since it's my first visit back to the parks after the official announcement for Skull Island: Reign of Kong was made last week, I decided to get some video in addition to my usual construction photographs. All of the scaffolding has now shifted to the right, leaving a breathtaking view of the giant temple gate. They've also started work on the attraction entrance near the pathway. From the concept art we can see it will be an arch with Kong's head shaped into it. It's very exciting to see everything taking shape, and to have concept art to compare it to! See all the photos below and check out the video here as well!

Universal Orlando Announces ‘Skull Island: Reign of Kong’ for Summer 2016
Universal Orlando has officially announced the new King Kong attraction. We've got a name, "Skull Island: Reign of Kong", along with some concept art, descriptions, and even a video! As expected the ride will feature a tour set in the 1930s of the great Skull Island temple. We find ourselves surrounded by prehistoric creatures and then we get an up-close experience with the eighth wonder of the world himself, Kong! This new multi-sensory attraction will be opening Summer 2016 at Universal's Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida. Read more below for images, description, and interviews with the creators.
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Kongstruction Update: Facade Looking Amazing as Construction Walls Start Closing In
Kongstruction is looking amazing today in Islands of Adventure! The creepy faces are coming along nicely, the brick color is looking beautiful, and the temple facade is growing across the right side of the structure. The construction walls have begun encroaching on the pathway, having moved out about to 10 to 20 feet in some places. The food stand is gone now, considering there isn't enough room to accommodate it on the path anymore. The walls have probably been moved out to make way for construction of the outdoor scene that will take place in front of the structure. Supposedly the ride vehicle will exit the structure after load and venture into an outdoor scene before re-entering the building through the enormous temple gate. See all the pictures from today below!

Information About Last Month’s Jurassic Park River Adventure Refurbishment
If you've seen my previous photo updates and video then you know that the Jurassic Park River Adventure has undergone a renovation last month. It's open now and looking just as beautiful as it ever has. This week in UONews (Universal Orlando® Resort’s Team Member Newsletter) they reported on the refurb along with some details. As I expected the refurb focused on key visual elements including new skins for the dinos and a complete revamp of the finale's waterfall rockwork. Read the full excerpt from the publication below or check out the PDF here. Also, be sure to check out my previous posts with photos and video!
Kongstruction Update: Painting the Rockwork and Faces Appear
Workers are making quick work of the rockwork at the new King Kong attraction and Skull Island area at Islands of Adventure. A few faces have started to take shape around the entrance to the temple ruins. The paint-work is looking very complete on the left-side of the building. Most of the exterior walls are complete throughout much of the structure and from what I can see the interior work is coming along nicely as well. Check out all of the pictures below.
There have been rumors flying around the web now that the Australian company Creature Technology will have some hand in the animatronics for the ride. They were responsible for the incredibly impressive King Kong puppet from the Kong musical. Watch this video for a sample of the giant Kong puppert-work. They were also the studio behind the beautiful Walking with Dinosaurs puppets and animatronics from its arena show, which I can tell you from seeing it in person, is just amazing. See a sample of that work here. If they apply their skill to create expressive puppets and impressive skins to the figures in the Kong ride I will be very pleased.
Garden of Allah Villas Construction Update and Permit Filings – With Video
With most of the attention on bigger things like King Kong and the new water park it's easy to miss the smaller construction projects, so today lets focus on the work being done over at the Garden of Allah Villas in Universal Studios Florida. As I previously stated it does indeed look like the two buildings are being connected. Slowly, but surely, progress is being made. No one is quite sure what this will end up being. Check out the video and pictures below!
Originally it was rumored to become a museum for Universal's 25th anniversary, but that no longer seems to be the case. Screamscape has said that the inside of the buildings are being remodeled into series of conference rooms, equipped with several monitors mounted to the walls. Permit filings show the name of the project as "NBCUniversal Media Lab". Perhaps Screamscape is right, because there is already a NBCUniversal Media Lab in New Jersey, for employees to test out new technologies. Maybe the Media Lab coming to Orlando will be a hands-on exhibit where park guests can experience the newest technologies themselves. Only time will tell. For now, check out the construction progress below and stay tuned for more updates.
Kongstruction Update: Skull Themed Construction Walls and Photo Update
The walkway out in front of project 340, (AKA the new King Kong attraction at Islands of Adventure), has received some shiny new skull-themed construction walls. They jut out pretty far, but the area does look a little cleaner with them. It seems clear now with these skull themed walls what attraction they are in fact building back there, in case there were still any doubts. As far as construction progress goes, it looks like they're putting a primer and/or sealant over the rockwork before painting, the top of the rockwork is looking more and more like the Skull Island temple, and the right side of the structure is finally getting all walled up. Check out the pictures below to see the construction progress as well as the new themed construction walls. And check out the previous update for some video!
Furious 7 Screen-Used Cars on Display at Universal Studios Florida – With Video
Screen-used cars from the new Fast & Furious film are now on display at Universal Studios Florida. Get up close and take a picture with three cars from the new film. You’ll find these Furious 7 automobiles on display at the entrance to KidZone, in front of the Animal Actors stadium. These vehicles were driven by Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, and Jason Statham in the seventh installment of Universal’s Fast and the Furious franchise, which hits theaters on Friday, April 3rd. Universal has displayed other vehicles from the Fast & Furious films in the past so it's not too surprising that they're doing it again. It's always pretty cool to see something that was used in a film in person. Check out the video, and the screenshots below as well, for more details about the cars.
Kongstruction Update: Walkway Widened as Facade Work Moves Forward – With Video
The mysterious green walls are down revealing a slightly widened pathway in front of the construction site at Project 340 in Islands of Adventure. I'm guessing spring break might have something to do with the large crowds in the park, and everyone is turning their heads to see the new imposing structure towering above. I decided to do something a little different this time and in addition to the photo update I took some video as well. It can help illustrate just how massive this building really is! Check out the images below as well.