As I've been reporting since it was just a small hole in the ground, a Velociraptor Meet & Greet is coming soon to the Jurassic Park area in Islands of Adventure, and it has been officially confirmed by Universal! Well, sort of. In the Annual Passholder newsletter there's a short paragraph about the Jurassic World movie opening next month and to look for photo opportunities with a raptor in IOA. So, we should expect the area to open within the next few weeks, just in time for the film's release! The previously filed permits did show that they had until the end of June to finish their work, but it sounds like they'll be ready before that. Rumors have it opening as soon as Memorial Day later this month!

While visiting the parks today I noticed the DinoStore gift shop in the Discovery Center has gotten lots of Jurassic World toys. You can also find some select Jurassic World candies in various gift shops throughout both parks. Check out the images below to see how construction is going and check out the merchandise pics as well! ...continue reading