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Tip Jars : Single Tip Jars Help
on 2008/4/14 11:39:31 (2787 reads)
Tip Jars

Single User Tip Jars: Swimming Particles, Genie Bottle, Tipping Hat, Pot of Gold, Record Case, and Fortune Cookie
Complete Instructions & Help

General Use
Setup Instructions
About the Configuration Notecard
Helpful Tips & FAQ's

_____General Use__________________________

Avatars pay money into Tip Jar and it all goes to object owner.

_____Setup Instructions_____________________

Rez a copy of the Tip Jar somewhere.

Open the object in EDIT. Click on "More>>" to reveal tabs and click on the "Content" tab. Open the notecard called "Configuration" and edit the settings inside, (see below.) Save and close notecard.

You should see a pop-up dialog menu asking if you should "Reset" or "Cancel." Choose "Reset" for your new settings to take effect.

Touch the object for more options by Menu.

_____About the Configuration Notecard_________

Change this to TRUE and you can replace "Name's Tip Jar" with your own text.
CustomText=Any Text Here!
*You can set the top line to TRUE and put a single space here after the "=" for No Hover Text

Set FALSE to not show how much collected in floating text.

Show the last tipper & amount in floating text.
*You must have ShowLastDonation=TRUE to show the name

The color of the Floating Text when in use.
FloatTextColor=<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
*Use the "Color Finder" included with your Tip Jar.

Instant Message to the Tipper. (Not used in Tipping Hat)
ThankYouText=Thanks for the tip!
*Message should be less than 250 characters.

To give away a gift on donation set the name of item here that is in object's inventory, (put NONE for no gift)
*Be sure it is the exact name of the item. It can be a landmark, object, notecard, clothing, etc; any one single item you want.

You can edit the Fast Pay button amounts here.
*These are the 4 preset buttons users see when paying the object.


The objects themselves are Modifiable. You may resize the object as needed and change textures, etc.

Touch the Object for Menus that only the Object Owner can see. Here you may have an option to change colors, or other appearance settings, (based on model.)

_____Helpful Tips & FAQ's____________________

If your Tip Jar is not working:

-Check to be sure you have permission to run scripts on the land parcel and be sure the object is set to the right group if needed.

-Open object in EDIT and click on TOOLS at very top of screen, then choose "Reset Scripts in Selection."

Deeded Tip Jars will no longer work correctly.

Q: How do I get the money out of my donation box or tip jar?

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