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Tip Jars : Floating Tip Jars Help
on 2009/2/17 13:20:00 (8117 reads)
Tip Jars

Copyable Floating Tip Jars
Complete Instructions & Help

General Use
Setup Instructions
About the Configuration Notecard
Helpful Tips & FAQ's
Updates Changelog

NOTE: The default setting is to only allow members of the same Group to login to the Tip Jars. Have the group active while rezzing or change the object's group in EDIT under General tab. You can turn off the Group-Only feature in setup.

_____General Use__________________________

Owner sets out multiple Floating Tip Jars. Employees log in to them and the jars will float above their heads and follow them within the set limits.

Avatars pay money to Tip Jars and money first goes to object owner, then is paid to logged employee.

If the owner wishes, a percentage of the funds can be given to extra owners or remain with object owner from every tip collected.

The object owner or any extra owners can Touch a logged jar to see how much they have earned personally since the employee logged in.

When finished using Tip Jar the logged employee can log out. Tip Jars will also automatically logout and return to their "home" position when the user leaves the area, crashes, or logs off Second Life, so another employee may use.

_____Setup Instructions_____________________

Rez a copy of the Tip Jar somewhere.

Open the object in EDIT. Click on "More>>" to reveal tabs and click on the "Content" tab.

Edit the Access List and Configuration Notecards inside the object.

You should see a pop-up dialog menu asking if you should "Reset" or "Cancel." Choose "Reset" if ready for your new settings to take effect. (You can also Touch and choose "Reset" from owner menu.)

You will be asked for permission to "Take Lindens from you? Click yes. This allows the script to pay the employee and/or extra owners when tipped.

See below for more help with customizing the appearance.

Take a Copy to your inventory to Rez more with the same settings.

_____About the Configuration Notecard_________
Do not remove any lines, even if you are not using them.


Your custom message to the tipper.
ThankYouMessage=Thanks for the tip!
*Do NOT use any special characters. Only use alpha-numeric and basic punctuation , . !

How to deliver Thank You message? (IM, WHISPER, SAY, SHOUT)

To give away a gift on donation set the name of item here that is in object's inventory, (put NONE for no gift)
*Be sure it is the exact name of the item. It can be a landmark, object, notecard, clothing, etc; any one single item you want.

If Set TRUE the object name will change to reflect the current user. FALSE will always keep name same.
*EXAMPLE: "Alicia Stella's Tip Jar" with namechange true or "Tip Jar" if namechange false.


Name of your Object, what is your object? (keep it short)
*This is used in floating text and messages.

This is displayed in floating text while not in use.

Do you want object to spin in circles? (FALSE for no)

Do you want to use Sparkle 'Bling' Effect? (FALSE for no)

Where to float in relation to avatar?
*The default is for 2 meters Above the avatar. --But you can play with the numbers to make your tip jars float anywhere in relation to the avatar.
--Examples: <4,0,0> is 4m in front of user, <-4,0,0> is 4m behind them
--<0,2.5,0> is 2.5m to the left, <-4,2.5,0> is back & to the left, etc.

If set TRUE you may replace "Name's Tip Jar" with your own text.
CustomText=Any Text Here!
*You can set the top line to TRUE and put a single space here after the "=" for No Hover Text

Set FALSE to not show how much collected in floating text.

Show the last tipper & amount in floating text.
*You must also have ShowLastDonation=TRUE to show the name

The color of the Floating Text when in use.
FloatTextColor=<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
*Use the "Color Finder" included with your Tip Jar.


Allow people on Access List notecard? (Add names to other note.)
*You can have up to 60 names of avatars to allow to login to the tip jar. This can be used with Group-Mode or by itself.

Allow members of same group? (FALSE for anybody or just the Access List if enabled above)
*Set the Group you wish to use in EDIT under the GENERAL tab. Then users must have that same group active to login to jars.
*If you have Access List disabled and Group disabled, then anyone would be allowed to login to an empty jar.

Distance in meters in all directions from the home location that employee will be logged out if they exceed. (96 is the most and 5 is the least)


You can edit the Fast Pay button amounts here. (Put 1 to 4 numbers separated by commas.)
*These are the 4 preset buttons users see when paying the object.
*The Any Amount box is where you type any amount. If you set FALSE, users must use a preset button only.

Assign extra owners by putting their UUID keys here. Owners can log out employees and can earn a percentage of tips (optional, set amounts next.)
*To get UUID keys, use the included "Key Finder" object and have the extra owner Touch it. It will say their key and you can copy it from the Local Chat History.

Split 100 between the logged in employee and any extra owners listed above. (Any remaining percentage will stay with object owner.)

*The employee is the current avatar that has their name floating above the tip jar.
*Do not remove the percentage lines above. If you are not using them set to 0.
*Anything left after employee and extra owners get their cut stays with object owner so you do not have to specify your amount.


If using the ASD Tipping Server (sold separately,) please specify channel here. (Leave 0 for no server use.)

Categories are defined using Tipping Server and must be one word, Case Sensitive. (Leave NONE for no category.)


The colors of all models can be changed in the EDIT window under the TEXTURE tab.

You may resize the objects as needed.

The following Custom tips are NOT for Sculpty models.

Changing the Texture:
To use your own image just open the object in EDIT. Click on "More>>" to expose the tabs. Choose the "Texture" tab. Be sure to have "Select Texture" checked and touch the sides of the prim. Change your textures. (The thinner sides have a blank texture so it looks cleaner:)

The objects are set to be 35% transparent. You can adjust this in EDIT under the TEXTURE tab.

Using Your Own Object:
Be sure you have Copy/Mod rights for your object. Rez the Default Floating Tip Star and OPEN it, Copy the contents to your Inventory.

Now you can add the scripts and notecards into any object you like by dragging them from your inventory.

If your object is upside-down over your employee you may need to make an adjustment to your object so that it is facing the correct way. Only your last linked prim will matter. If you are using an existing object that is not facing the way you like you can add in a hidden small prim that is facing the right way and just link it last.

_____Helpful Tips & FAQ's____________________

Your sim must have "Physics" and "Collisons" enabled. These can only be changed by an Estate Manager or sim owner. If your Tip Jars are not floating this may be the reason. More Help.

You cannot take a Floating Tip Jar to your Inventory or Reset it while it is floating. It should only be edited while not in use. You can rez a new one from original box and start over if this is the case. More Help.

If your Tip Jar is not working:

• Check to be sure you have permission to Run Scripts on the land parcel. Be sure the object is set to the right group if only Group is allowed to Run Scripts. (Tipping Hat requires permission to Rez/Create Objects as well.)

• Open object in EDIT and click on TOOLS at very top of screen, then choose "Reset Scripts in Selection."

Deeded Tip Jars will not work correctly.

Q: How do I setup Percentages with other owners in a product?

Q: How do I get the money out of my donation box or tip jar?



• Commas will be stripped out of custom thank you and custom floating text to prevent script errors.

• Other bug-fixes added to help tip jars run more smoothly.

• Individual staff member percentages added when using ASD Tipping Server, set through Web Tools. Requires the updated Tip Jars as well as Tipping Server version 1.2 (or higher).


• Name Change option added to Configuration. Allows objects to rename themselves when user logs in or always keep name same. EXAMPLE: "Alicia Stella's Tip Jar" with namechange true or "Tip Jar 5.5" if namechange false.

• "Empty" text uses custom text color now.

• Tipping Server Integration.

• Several Bugs Fixed in Floating Tip Jars related to reset and loading.

• Floating Tip Jar Logout Range max raised from 96 to 750 meters away from "Home" location. (Still will not work crossing sim lines however.)


• Converted to MONO.

• Percentage Split much easier to setup.

• Dialog Menu on Login to jar

• Improved Employee Touch Menu with more options.

• Employee can choose Pay Notification method from IM, Dialog, Both, or None.

• Customizable "Thank you" message to tipper

• New Options for Thank you message: IM, Whisper, Say, or Shout

• Can now edit "empty" label text

• Can disable 'Any Amount' box from Pay Presets

• Object names can be changed and version number is in object name

• Devices will not become active until Owner grants Pay Permissions.

• Now includes 7 Sculpty shapes: Star, Heart, Diamond, Skull, Music Note, Treble Clef, Wine Glass (still includes original 8 objects too.)


JUNE 2007 - Product Release

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