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Prefab Buildings : Kitty Club Prefab Help
on 2009/5/7 6:06:19 (2447 reads)
Prefab Buildings

Gran-Made Kitty Club & Mall Set
Complete Instructions & Help

Club Structure With Entryway:
Footprint: 60 meters Wide by 60 meters Deep
Prims: 561 (not including extras)

Club Structure WITHOUT Entryway:
Footprint: 60 meters Wide by 42 meters Deep
Prims: 522 (not including extras)

NOTE: Some objects will not work until after you select "DONE" from Rezzer Box menu. Select "Position" button if objects do not line up automatically. (More info below.)

These instructions are split into 4 sections:
Rezzer Setup Instructions
About the Extras Included
Customizing your Club
Helpful Tips & FAQ's

_____Rezzer Setup Instructions_________________

1. Set out one of the *Gran-Made Kitty Club Rezzer Box* objects.

2. Touch (click on) the Rezzer Box and select "Build" button from Dialog Menu. The structure should rez itself. (It can take several minutes in laggy conditions.)

3. Locate the Rezzer Box inside the center of building and select it in EDIT. Position and Rotate the Rezzer Box and the structure will follow. Touch rezzer box and select "Position" button if objects do not line up on their own. Continue until in desired place.

4. Touch Rezzer Box and select "Done" when finished and then delete/or take back the Rezzer Box. DON'T FORGET TO SELECT "DONE" FROM MENU!

If you have trouble select "Clean" from Menu to delete all pieces and start over.

NOTE: Be careful not to position the building off world or in a neighbor's parcel. This may cause pieces of the object to go into your Lost and Found Folder. Rather than retrieve them, I suggest starting over with a fresh Rezzer Box from the original Package.

_____About the Extras Included_________________

Included with this product are your Club Items and Extras. They are in the same box as this note.

Some of them are Boxed themselves and will be marked so. They may come with their own instructions for setup.

The matching Mall Set items are all Copyable/No Transfer. Most other Extras are No Copy.

Club Lights included may need to be Turned On once they are set out. Just Touch the Light and select "Turn ON/OFF" from Menu.


• The Club and Mall Set structures are Modifiable and Copyable once rezzed. You can change any textures or colors in EDIT. You may also remove or add prims as needed.

• Some items may have Color Selection Menus by Touch.

_____Helpful Tips & FAQ's____________________

• Some Lights included will need you to Touch them and/or select "Turn ON" from Dialog Menu before they will start moving.

• If something in this package stops working follow these steps:

-1. Check to be sure you have permission to run scripts on the land parcel and be sure the object is set to the right group if needed.

-2. Reset the Scripts as follows:

Open object in EDIT and click on TOOLS at very top of screen, then choose "Reset Scripts in Selection."

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