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Teleporters : Long Range Teleporter Help
on 2010/1/31 4:53:45 (2905 reads)

Longer Range Teleporters
Complete Instructions & Help

These Teleporters will take avatars a maximum of 4000 meters and within the same sim same only.



Go to your destination location and Rez the "Location Finder" where you want to land after using teleporter. Copy down what the "Location Finder" says in the Chat. (You can delete Location Finder.)

Rez the "Telepad Base" at the start location and position where you want it.

Rez the "Telepad" and open it in EDIT. Go to the "Content" tab and open the notecard entitled "Configuration." Inside change the Floating Text to what you would like and change the Destination Location to what you copied from "Location Finder."

Save and close the notecard. Take the Telepad back to your inventory.

Open the "Telepad Base" and drop the "Telepad" you edited into the Base object.

The Telepad Base should Reset automatically and it will rez a Telepad ready for use.

You can setup a return teleporter by repeating the same steps for the other location.

__General Use

Anyone can Touch the Telepad to travel to destination. After they teleport the Base will rez a new version of the Telepad ready for next user.

If for any reason the base does not rez a new Telepad after use, simply Touch the black "Telepad Base" and from the owner-only dialog menu select the "Rez Pad" button.

You can check for Updates for this product by selecting "Updates" from the owner-only menu.




Go to your destination location and Rez the "Location Finder" where you want to land after using teleporter. Copy down what the "Location Finder" says in the Chat. (You can delete Location Finder.)

Rez the "Group Telepad Base" at the start location and position it where you want it.

Be sure to set the Group for the object, (in EDIT under the GENERAL tab.)

Rez the "Group Telepad" and open it in EDIT. Go to the "Content" tab and open the notecard entitled "Configuration." Inside change the the Destination Location to what you copied from "Location Finder."

Save and close the notecard. Take the Telepad back to your inventory.

Open the "Group Telepad Base" and drop the "Telepad" you edited into the Base object.

The Telepad Base should Reset automatically and say "Now Ready" to you.

You can change the floating Text by editing the "Floating Text" script inside the Base.

Setup a return teleporter by repeating the same steps for the other location.

__General Use

Members of the same Group as the Base object can Touch it at any time to rez a new 'Group Telepad.' Then they can Touch the pad to travel.

Group members must have Group Tag active to use.

Also Group Members may Touch the Base multiple times to rez more Telepads for guests to use, even if guests are not group members.

If a "Group Telepad" object is still unused after rezzed 2 minutes it will delete itself for security reasons just in case.

When the Object Owner Touches the base object it will not rez a telepad, instead a popup dialog menu wull appear. Here you can select the "Teleport" button to rez a pad for use or check for available "Updates" for this product. Note: Only the Object Owner will see this menu.

These Teleporters will take avatars a maximum of 4000 meters and within the same sim same only.


JANUARY 2010 - ver 2.0 UPDATE

• Converted to MONO.

• Can now travel up to 4000 meters instead of 750 max. Still only in same sim.

• Added "PLEASE WAIT" floating text while telepad loading to keep users from touching before destination loaded.

• Bug Fixes in Regular version related to the base rezzing pads.

• Regular Telepad will delete itself if Base is missing for more than a few minutes (removed by owner for example.)

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