ALERT: Make Sure Your Visitor Tracker is Updated to Version 1.7 to Keep it Running

Published by Alicia Stella on Jul-09-2015 (1269 reads)

The Visitor Tracker was updated to version 1.7 back in May. Most users have already updated to the newer version, but a few have not. Any trackers still running an older version one month from now, around August 10th, will stop running. It is extremely important that you replace your objects with the new version as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience. This is in part to help us build a stable system for all of the web-based tools.

If you need to update your tracker, you can get the new version from the small kiosk at this location. (IM Alicia Stella if kiosk not working for you).

The version number for your tracker can be found in the MAIN object name, and in the script names. If yours is v1.7 you do not need to update at this time. You can also log into ASD Web Tools to see your version number, under the Settings tab for the Tracker Web Tools.

Users will also be contacted individually as the cutoff date nears.

You should replace your older Main Tracker object as soon as possible. The new tracker object will remember your settings after you rez it.

You should also replace your Visitor Counts, Staff Notifier, and Announcer Objects with the new versions as well. Any settings notecards from your old objects will still work in the new ones, so you can copy the texts to save time.

IM Alicia Stella in-world if you run into any issues or have a question.

You can see the details of the recent update here and get the new version here.

If you haven't already, purchase your own Visitor Tracker on the Marketplace or learn more about it here!

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