Monthly Archives: September 2015

P1050042It's been a few weeks since my last visit to Islands of Adventure and a lot has changed over at the Skull Island construction area. The first thing that caught my eye was a beautifully painted mural on the mountain range backdrop behind the facade. They've already finished the left-side and are continuing on the right, but it is looking incredible. It really sells the perspective, and even features some 2-dimensional brickwork extending the building upwards. Also new, are the two posts above the giant temple gate. These look like the posts used in the earlier King Kong films to tie down the sacrificial human when offering them up to the mighty Kong. The queue building on the right side of the construction zone is coming along nicely, with a rough fort-like roof style and some new covered walkways extending out from the Kong face arch. Check out all the images below for details in this Kong-sized photo update!

Skull Island signs added to the construction walls along with the words, Summer 2016
Skull Island signs added to the construction walls, displaying proudly that it's opening Summer 2016

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P1040991_smallSince my last update the scaffolding has come down around the entry arch showing off a beautifully sculpted Kong face. It hasn't been painted yet, but definitely bares a striking resemblance to the big guy as seen in the concept art. In front of the giant temple gate we're getting our first glimpses of the shape of the outdoor portion of the ride path. A short rock wall wrapping around the path has sprung up, as well as structural I beams being placed below the track path in preparation for concrete being poured. The ride is being rumored as being "trackless," so what we're seeing now is the pathway being constructed where the vehicle will travel outside before entering the show building. See the new video as well as some images below and stay tuned for more updates!

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